Charity work has become increasingly important for businesses. We try to reach out to the community and support their development through many ways, whether it’s donation or fundraising for a cause. Not does only charity work benefit for the ones we help, but it also gives us moral values to absorb. Doing charity in business can forge the relationships that companies have with society.
At 24Slides, we are aware that there is more to than just being a leading presentation design company. One of our interests apart from doing well in business is to do good for our society and for this, we understand our social responsibilities such as participating in charity work. As 24Slides grow, more members have entered the office, and more personals have shown their action to give something back for communities in need.
We have multiple offices operating from three miles distant countries, in Denmark, Indonesia, and Peru. With several offices located in different parts of the world, it also becomes our responsibility to take part in providing support for global urgency such as natural disasters or in a smaller scale, reaching out to closer communities around us to give aid for their growth. In this past year, we have done several charity work such as donations for natural disasters, visits to orphanage centers, and donating food to enliven religious holiday celebrations.
Aid for Palu
Design T-shirt for Palu
Back in September 2018 a tsunami struck Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The natural disaster caused about 1.400 victims and the news reached a global scale. We heard in Indonesia and immediately initiated a fundraising to donate for the grieving community in Palu.
We held a fundraising by starting a t-shirt production designed by members in our office. About Rp 8 million was raised from the t-shirt production and there were still more money raised from other donors. In total, we have donated Rp 25 million for the victims in Palu.
Ramadhan Share and Care
Takjil Sharing
We have also done other charity work to lighten up the celebration of Ramadhan. During Ramadhan, people are mostly looking forward to the time when we break our fasting hours with food, and most importantly sharing our meal time with loved ones.
During this religious festive season we prepared takjil, a bundle of snacks and drinks for people to break their fast. We gathered a few people in the office who would volunteer their time to prepare meals that would be given out to people passing by the busy street in front of our office.
The meals given were collected from individuals who would willingly donate some of their money, and the collected amount of money were then used to purchase snacks that will be given out to pedestrians or people passing by the office. This donation reached its successful peak on the last day of Ramadhan, where we managed to give away 150 bundles of meal. The enthusiasm of our peers to donate grew each day!
Breaking the fast together
Another special memory we had for our charity work was to share some time visiting a child orphanage. In the month of Ramadhan we visited Yasibu Orphanage, a home for 35 children, from pre-school children to teenagers entering high school.
This orphanage runs actively by the help from donors. The children living in this orphanage goes to school nearby and on a daily basis does religious activities in the afternoon. In the month of Ramadhan, we had the chance to meet the children and shared our time to break our fast together.
Visiting Yasibu Orphanage
One of our main purposes visiting this orphanage was to support the children’s educational needs. So we managed to provide them with school supplies, such as books and stationary. Other than that, we also donated food supplies, daily utilities, as well as building materials to help the orphanage’s building reconstruction.
Charity work goes beyond giving to the ones in need. It definitely extends to bring benefit for public and the whole.