On the 21st of November, a 5.6 earthquake struck near Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. As part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, this area has suffered recurrently over the years from this type of natural disaster.
November’s earthquake, along with the over 15 aftershocks that followed it, had tragic consequences for the community. It’s estimated that over 300 people lost their lives, and over 6,000 were injured. Along with the human losses, 17,000 houses were damaged across 16 districts, and 110,000+ evacuees had to leave their homes for safety reasons.

To support the many people affected by the earthquake, employees joined a local community, the YDSF Response Team. 24Slides colleagues raised funds to support the victims with basic supplies, like food and hygiene products.
And as a company, we were so proud of them that we couldn’t do less than match all donations! In the end, a total of IDR 12,050,000 (around $700+) was contributed to help build emergency shelters and distribute them among 470 people in need.
Together, we managed to purchase rice, cooking oil, eggs, blankets, clothes, baby necessities, hygiene kits, and Qurans for the people who had been affected by the earthquake.

As a company, we wholeheartedly believe in the power of giving back and being socially responsible. Initiatives like this one are important because they allow us to contribute to making the world a better place. But they also prove how much of a generous, cause-driven bunch our 24Sliders coworkers are.