Each of our employees has a story to tell, and these stories are as different as their personalities. Learning and sharing these stories helps us truly be able to come together as a family. In this post, we bring you Angger’s story.
Angger is one of our best designers, and through his hard work and dedication, he has become head of design at 24Slides. And notably, he is a devoted family man.

Although Angger always knew he loved design, and dreamed of becoming a graphic designer, this was not his initial career path. Angger studied engineering at University to become an IT specialist. He chose that path in search for stability after graduating from high school. As he states, this career path would always guarantee that he would have a job because “everybody needs an IT guy”.
It seems like Angger was always meant to be a designer, though, for although he applied for all sorts of jobs in many different companies, the first company that hired him hired him as a designer. Even though it wasn’t a design company and he wasn’t trained as a designer, he decided to try it out. Afterwards, Angger worked for a while in different companies; each of them focused on different things, but always as a designer.
Angger wasn’t living in Malang when he met his wife; he was working his fourth job in Jakarta. After he married, Angger started thinking that Jakarta was not a good place to raise kids, and Malang might be a better place to live with his family as it’s a city with plenty of fresh air, and a very nice place to grow up. With these thoughts in mind, Angger decided to relocate to Malang.
And it was this decision that brought Angger to 24Slides. When looking for a new company to work in in Malang, Angger came across 24Slides. Although the company wasn’t big, it was a growing company with about 25 employees. Angger applied for a position in the company and was hired. Through his hard work and dedication, he quickly worked his way up and learned many valuable things along the way.

“I’m not a person who likes to be lazy. I don’t like laziness, and every time I feel tired, I remember my family. When I think about my family, I am motivated to work hard. I continue to work hard because I believe and want to prove that hard work always pays off.”
Of course, it wasn’t always easy. Being in a different city, and in a company so different from all of his previous ones was a challenging experience. Angger recalls that the most difficult thing for him at the beginning was to adapt to the company and its culture. In his previous jobs, he would only focus on the work at hand, but at 24Slides, it’s always been more about the people in it. “It’s always difficult in the beginning to manage all the different personality types. We need to be aligned in order to run together as a team, and for sure, we will always have trouble with it at first, but once we get there, we will find true value”. Angger feels there’s a great sense of teamwork in the company, and is convinced that’s what makes this company so great.

“24Slides is the company I’ve been in the longest” he states. “In other companies, I stayed for six, seven months at most”. In the companies where he worked before, it was very different. If an employee didn’t meet a target in 3 months, they would be fired.
“You will find in 24Slides, it’s not just about the work. We treat each other as family, not as coworkers. And the difference is with family, we care about each other. We will share with each other, and when one falls, everyone else tries to help them get back to a good place.”
Although Angger sometimes seems like a reserved person, you can see the love he has for 24Slides. Like everyone in the team, Angger is always excited to watch the company grow, and he truly cares about his teammates and is willing to help every single person grow with the company.
Like some of his coworkers, Angger was able to visit the Peru team and share experiences with everyone while helping with the designers’ training. This experience was very enriching, and although he couldn’t stay too long because his family is in Malang, he was able to make some great memories in Peru and spread his vision to the team.

“I think Peru team has great personality and people. I recommend to Peru team to be patient for every step and you will get where I got. Like every process, it is hard at first, but you will see in the end that it’s definitely worth it.”
Angger believes that the company will continue growing both in Peru and Malang, and that eventually Tobias will spread his mission to other countries as well. And he is more than ready to accompany 24Slides in this journey. “Because, if everyone has the same vision, and works together as a team, no matter what obstacles we face, we will easily overcome them”.