From Peru to Indonesia, Ukraine and all the way to Denmark – 24Slides is made up of people from different cultures joined together as a family with the same passion that’s characteristic of our company. And this passion is something we can see clearly in Thea, this post’s featured employee.

Thea is an outspoken and determined girl who loves challenges, and at 24Slides, she has found exactly the motivating environment she always wanted. As Tobias and the team are constantly encouraging her to improve and take on new responsibilities.
Thea enjoys travelling and good food, making it a point to find new cafes and restaurants in any new city she visits. She also likes to play handball, and has been on a team for some time that practices twice a week, although she can’t do it as often recently.

Originally from Norway, Thea moved to Denmark to study her bachelor’s and then her master’s, before getting a job at 24Slides.
“It was really random” she laughs. “I had an internship while I was doing my master thesis, and I really wanted to work for a start-up so I applied to a bunch of companies I’d never heard of before, and then I got an interview and was hired at the company”.

Having studied Innovation and Business Development, Thea was very interested in start-up companies. At the time, 24Slides had about 20 employees and was looking for someone to fill the Customer Success position.
Thea connected with Tobias during the interview and although there were other candidates with more experience, Tobias saw something special in her and called her in for a trial period. Full of courage, she decided to take a chance on this growing company.
Originally, Thea didn’t know much about the company or how it was set up with the Indonesia team. “I remember Tobias asked me if I had any cultural experience or if I worked with people from Asia before, and I answered something like: ‘yeah, group studies with Chinese people’” she laughs. “I had no idea what it was”.

However, having studied Business Language Culture as well came in pretty handy for her, allowing her to establish and maintain good relationships with the Malang team fairly quickly and easily.
“As a Scandinavian, I’m a very direct person, and some people think I’m scary sometimes. It’s something I’ve learned to adjust to while working with the team in Indonesia, because people from Scandinavia will understand it, but people from other cultures may think I’m angry”.
And although Thea may feel that way, in reality, everyone knows how much she does for the company and admires her for it.

As Thea is a very organized and structured person who is good at connecting with others, she has always been able to take on new challenges and implement new processes to improve the company.
“Tobias is really good at offering responsibility. If you’re willing to take it, you can grow a lot, and I did” she says proudly. In fact, having started as a recently graduated student with no experience, her growth in the 5 years that she’s been in the company is visible.
Thea has been so involved in everything in the company that her role description is not necessarily clear. “There’s Angger who’s the expert designer or Rizal who’s the expert at support, and I’m just on top of that” she says laughing. “But I hope people can see it as a good thing” sure enough, that also means she can always help in many things.
And one of the things that makes her really proud is seeing the progress of the company and how everything she’s done can be applied as well in an office in another country such as Peru. The Peru office was able to be established so fast and seamlessly due to everyone’s hard work.

“What I really like about this company is that we’re always hiring new people and giving them a chance, while focusing on really training them. You don’t need to have ten years of experience to work here, and that’s really nice. There’s a lot of room to grow”.
Thea hopes she can continue learning with 24Slides for many more years, or even be able to join a new company created by one of our team members in the future. And wherever the future may lead her, she will always treasure the valuable relationships she has made in the company.