This article was written by Raras, Junior Designer, Indonesia, as part of 24Slides’ Storyteller’s Program.
Have you ever forgotten the name of someone you just met at the party? Do you forget to put your glasses on even though it’s on your head? Well, maybe it’s not a memory problem; perhaps it’s just a lack of attention problem.
24Slides offers Yoga Classes for their employees to help us remain focused. Yoga can help with breath control and mindfulness, and this class has really had a positive impact on some of us, including me, both at work and in my personal life.
I struggled to follow the tempo and poses in the first class because I couldn’t remember the movements. The instructor always mentions being aware of the poses and movements. It was okay if I couldn’t follow the tempo for a while, but I had to make sure my posture was in the proper position, that I feel my body, and breathe.
Last week, I realized I’m getting used to consciously noticing my poses and body, and it affected how easily I follow the instructions. The instructor also noticed that my posture was improving. I was so happy!
I’m also practicing focusing on my personal life but in a more simple way. For example, being present and not using my phone when my friends talk. Because we’ll remember what we pay attention to, right?
Noticing something isn’t easy, we must be conscious and focused. We can’t make new memories when the brain is running on autopilot. Therefore, doing Yoga regularly helps me improve my focus. And also, I get much better sleep!
If you want to remember something important, besides removing the things that upset our focus, we also need to work on perception (see, hear, smell, feel) and attention. Our senses enable us to understand our surroundings. Maybe you can practice this the next time you park your car at the mall, and then you will never forget where you had parked it in the first place.
Now share with me, do you forget things and struggle to recall them?
So, what do you think? Are you willing to try Yoga and see if it makes a difference for you too?