Almost one year ago, the lives of millions of Ukrainians were affected by the beginning of the war. Aside from the many lives lost, thousands of people were displaced from their homes, and those who weren’t had to learn to face the experience of living in a country at war.
Ever since February 2022, the conflict has only kept on escalating. People are still fleeing the country, and the future is uncertain. Some of our colleagues have remained in Ukraine, but as much as we’ve wanted to help them maintain a sense of stability and security, there’s no denying that life is in no way the same as before.
“I’ve been living abroad for almost a year and it’s still hard to get back the feeling of ownership of my life. It’s hard to plan your life, future, and career with that pain inside and knowing that all the things we appreciate, like stability and safety are one of the biggest illusions in this world. So, I continue living my life, day by day, hoping for better and trying to help people who are fighting and braver than me.” – says Olha, our Product Designer currently residing outside of Ukraine
After one year of continuous conflict, it’s unavoidable that the world’s attention will eventually shift to other matters. When there are so many catastrophes going on around the globe at all times, it is inevitable that a long-drawn conflict such as the war in Ukraine will eventually lose the spotlight.
However, that does not negate the fact that Ukrainians still need help and support to go through these trying times. We wanted to show our colleagues in Ukraine that we have not forgotten them and to help them create extra awareness for their country’s dire situation in this 1-year commemoration mark.
On February 24th, 24Slides will make a donation meant to support the victims of war. The charity will be picked by our colleagues in Ukraine, as they have a better insight into where our help could be used the most.
We’re hoping that our contribution, as small as it might be, will help create a better world with less inequality and contribute to the standard of living in a country in such a dire situation.
There are still many people living in terrifying conditions and lives being lost every day. Our wish is that this initiative will inspire others not to forget Ukraine and create some extra awareness of the fact that the war is far from over.
We heartfully hope that next year, such a commemoration will no longer be necessary and the war will be over. Until then, we send all our support and encouragement to our Ukrainian colleagues and their country.