A month after the joyful Kartini Day, we had another series of games in May. This time, we got five teams to play three games in the Play Saturday event. Jay, Wisnu, and Try picked the games that wouldn’t drain our stamina as most of us were fasting. However, we gotta get our minds ready.
We began with “Quiz WIB” where we need to think out of the box. So, what is ‘WIB’? WIB stands for “Waktu Indonesia Bercanda” (Joking Time in Indonesia), an Indonesian TV comedy program. The game was adapted from a game called “Teka-Teki Sulit” (Difficult Riddles), one of the games featured in WIB. We had to answer questions that seemed normal, but the answers were totally unusual.
Boxes of words were displayed on the big screen, and we need to fill them with the answers. As the host, Try gave very few clues while we only got one letter prefilled. All the teams got frustrated at first, but we began to get the right answers after the first few questions. Most of the questions were not correctly answered, though. Team 1 won this annoying yet very fun game.

Moving forward to the next game, we had a classic game called “Stop the Bus!”. Along with Jay as the host, our in house English teacher, Nathan, joined in as the game master. In this game, Nathan would mention a letter from the alphabet, and we had to list words started with the letter from some categories: country, food, verb, something in the office, and famous person.
When a team finished writing them in a piece of paper, they should shout “Stop the Bus!”. The fastest one should have a representative bring the paper to Nathan and get the words checked. It wasn’t just about knowledge. You gotta be the fastest to beat the other teams. You get all the answers correct, you get full points. Once again, Team 1 went victorious.

In the last game, each team should send a representative to stand behind a laptop as we play “Tebak Gambar” (Guess the Picture). The representative would see a set of pictures displayed on the laptop while the others had to guess. There were several categories of the pictures displayed: food, beverages, fruits, animals, vehicles, and electronic devices. Each team had their own turn to play.
It was not as easy as expected since we were limited by some rules. The representatives were only allowed to say “yes”, “no”, or “it could be”. Also, no body languages were allowed. On the other side, the rest of the team were only allowed to ask closed-ended questions. We needed to get as many correct guesses as possible within five minutes. This time, Team 3 impressed in this game as they won the game by a large margin.

Each team got their prize, but there was only one winner. Having dominated the first two games, Team 1 claimed the main prize with the most points collected. Only two points behind, the second prize went to Team 3. Team 4 took the third place with Team 2 and Team 5 following behind. We will be back with more posts on Play Saturday and other interesting activities.