Title Slide for a Business Case Presentation
Executive Summary Slide for a Business Case Presentation
Situational Analysis Slide with column charts for a Business Case Presentation
Corporate Matrix Slide for a Business Case Presentation
Cost-Benefit Analysis Slide for a Business Case Presentation
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Risk Assessment Slide for a Business Case Presentation
Bullet list of recommendations for a Business Case Presentation
Project Plan Slide for a Business Case Presentation
Corporate Table for a Business Case Presentation
Divider Slide for giving a break time in a Business Case Presentation
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Corporate Timeline for Project Phases
Project Report Slide for a Business Case Presentation
Sales Slide for a Business Case Presentation
Business Timeline Slide
Project Team Slide
Corporate Contact Slide
Blue-and-white thank you slide
Title Slide for a Business Case Presentation

Complete Business Case Presentation Template

Number of slides: 20

Whenever you have an idea that can improve your organization or deliver value in some sort of way, you need to put forward a business case. This type of documentation outlines your idea from all perspectives, including financial and technical. This slide deck has been designed to offer you templates to build a convincing case that can be easily implemented. There are multiple tools included in this presentation template, including the Business Objective Slide, the Risk Assessment Slide and the Delivery Timeline Slide, all which can help you express your ideas better.

Free Business Case Presentation Template

Business Objective Slide

This slide acts as the summary or introduction to your Business Case presentation. It needs to be both precise and concise, clearly stating the end-goal of your proposed project and the reasoning behind it. The following slides need to develop on the idea presented here, expanding on technical details and financial details.

Risk Assessment Slide

One of the most important slides when making a business case proposal is the risk assessment section. This slide presents risks and dependencies identified by you that show senior stakeholders the veracity of your project. Rather than having stakeholders identify and point out risks which you haven’t taken into consideration and jeopardise your credibility, do the work beforehand and propose solutions.

Delivery Timeline Slide

This slide showcases a proposed timeline for implementing the changes outlined in your business case. It needs to cover the affected business units and relevant stakeholders. The delivery needs to be split into individual milestones which are clearly laid out and can be easily tracked.

Articulate your ideas clearly

To build a convincing case, you must use appropriate language that denotes authority.

Do your research

Demonstrate your knowledge by showcasing how this business case can benefit the organization

Business cases need to focus on value added

Always keep in mind the end-goal of a business case

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