Corporations are large organizations which usually have inefficient processes due to historical reasons. While those may be normalized and internalized by the people working there, employees adopting the ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’, an objective, third-party consultants can help with the identification and improvement of processes. It takes a high degree of ingenuity and experience to fill such a role. This slide deck has been designed to offer consultants all the tools necessary to come up with a solid plan for improving corporate inefficiency. The Improvement Roadmap slide, the Venn Diagram for Optimisation and the KPI Summary slide are perfect for this kind of task.
This roadmap lays out a solid template for you to present your plan of action in an intuitive manner. It follows five steps, which can follow the pattern of idea generation, implementation, monitoring, feedback, and optimization. Those can vary from business to business, but the linear and intuitive structure should be treated as a basis.
This diagram is useful for visually representing that the optimization process is complex and needs multiple elements working together. For an improved product delivery process, areas such as logistics, IT, finance and marketing need to work together.
This simple slide presents a KPI summary for the business pre and post-consulting. While rather elementary, this is an important slide for both parties to display the improvements that have taken place since the consultation process has started.
Externals can bring a lot of insight
Somebody from the outside can have a fresh perspective on how the processes work and challenge them constructively
Always track your progress
In order to see the effect of the consulting session, it’s mandatory to keep track of all metrics
Define a solid road map
Consulting is inefficient unless a clear improvement process is laid out
Check out other similar templates
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