risk matrix with circles
tricolor risk matrix boxes
tricolor 3d boxes
risk matrix with circles

Risk Matrix Presentation Template

Number of slides: 3

Even though risks are inevitable, every corporation has to be able to deal with them. The company’s success is measured based on its ability to manage and respond to risks in an efficient manner. With this risk matrix template, you will able to identify the potential risks. It is easy to evaluate the risk and to prioritize the tasks regarding it. The template is very flexible and you can easily change the colors, the data, the shape and the size.

Risk Matrix Presentation Template

Cool Risk Matrix Slide

The creative matrix that highlights the potential risks in term of their significance. The matrix is created in blue, pink and purple hues, each of them showing the risk magnitude. Blue stands for low risk, while pink for major or critical. Managers usually are not very enthusiastic when they have to deal with risk and this matrix will ease the overall process.

Traditional Risk Matrix Slide

The risk matrix on the second slide has the same function as the first one. It has a different design, colored in green, yellow and red. In this case, the green stands for minimum risk, while the red for high risk. Once the management identifies the risks, it can take the proper actions to solve the problem. If your audience is a fan of simplicity, then this matrix might be the best choice.

3D Risk Matrix Slide

The last matrix style in this presentation template is the most complex of them all. It shows the risk both in terms of magnitude and severity. It has the same color structure as the second matrix. But, in addition, it also shows the likelihood of occurrence.

Flexible PowerPoint template that allows for customization of the matrices

You can always edit the matrices’ data in order to keep them up-to- date and so that they can reflect the real current situation of your business.

Unconventional way of dealing with risks and the potential consequences

This Risk Matrix template enables you to successfully deal with the possible adverse outcomes.

Efficient and effective presentation within 3 slides

Don’t let the small number of slides fool you – This template is one of the most useful ones for dealing with risks.

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