When we want to deliver more value to our customers, we tend to focus on what we can add to our product but what if we shift the focus to the process? Value Stream Mapping (VSM) helps you with that! The Value Stream Map works as a visual representation of the material and information flow required to bring a product to the end customer. With this lean manufacturing tool, you will be able to calculate the value of the entire stream and identify improvement opportunities. Use the Value Stream Mapping Template and share a holistic view of what is really happening in your processes.
Every Value Stream Map shows two essential flows: the information flow at the top of the map and the material flow at the bottom. In this way, you can see how the two flows evolve and interact in different points of the process. The Simple Value Stream Map Slide provides you with an easy-to-understand layout where you can showcase your first Value Stream Map.
Value Stream Mapping is great for improvement plans because it allows you to put in numbers the value of your activities. In this slide, you will find a time ladder to introduce “added value” which is what the customer is willing to pay for and “delay” or “lead time” which refers to the time it takes to move from one operation to another.
What if you want to focus just on one particular production line? You can use the Process level Value Stream Map Slide which comes with five boxes arranged horizontally and two extra boxes connected by external arrows to the main process.
What is a Value Stream Map?
Value Streams Maps are detailed tools that show you the internal work of your organization and the supply chain of a specific production process, all together in one view
Reduce waste
The main purpose of Value Stream Mapping is improving processes by eliminating steps that don’t add value. These non-valuable activities are often called “waste” in the Lean methodology.
Value for the customer
How do you know if an activity or step adds value to the work stream? Ask your customer! When it comes to added value it all revolves around the customer perspective.
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