The 7S framework is a great starting point for laying out good organizational practices. The 7S’s, not to be confused with the 7 sins, are the following: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Staff, and Style. Simply following these seven items to create an organizational process is going to ensure that all the most important aspects of running a business are covered. This slide deck will offer you tools to detail each element of the framework. Use the Shared Values slide, the Organisational Structure slide, and the Skills Slide to outline the groundworks for your business.
Right from the get-go, this slides invokes a response from the audience members and strikes home by touching important topics. This slide is the result of the combination of multiple values such as Social Need, Business Opportunities, and Corporate Assets and Expertise. Use this slide to break down the components of shared values and communicate them clearly
This slide offers you the necessary tools to create a clear and complete organizational chart that can help you and your business accordingly. A solid organizational structure with clear reporting, task distribution and role definition will make it easier for the employees to complete their jobs successfully.
Skills are the most valuable asset in a company. An organization’s worth is the sum of all its moving parts, and those are determined by the skills of the employees. These can either be hard skills or soft skills, as a balance between both for every employee is generally required to ensure long-term success.
An organisation’s staff are the heart of the progress making machine
Ensure that the messages are delivered in the way that the audience wants to receive them
Systems are universally the best way for setting up new highly efficient processes
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