Play Saturday: 24 hours of 24Slides Friendship

Play Saturday Friendship

What happens when you combine our monthly Play Saturday and Social activity for the entire day within a popular vacation destination? One AWESOME and fun-filled event!

Last weekend, we rented a villa just an hour from Malang and with the help of the organizers, Mikha, Nugroho, and Mira, planned a memorable activity for the entire team.

Since we spent overnight there doing various exciting activities, you can just imagine that kind of ambience we shared throughout the weekend: a vibrant atmosphere filled with boisterous laughter and friendship.

Here are some of the main highlights from what we did:


Vlogging Competition


The team was divided into groups of 6. At random hours of the day, we were given a notification to create a 60 second Vlog within 30 minutes. Each Vlog should be related to the main theme of friendship. The completed Vlog will then be uploaded through one of the member’s Instagram account.

Check out the winning Vlog:


Now as part of this activity, we also organized a surprise Vlog as a farewell tribute to one of our team members who will soon be leaving the company to pursue further studies.

See below how we expressed our deep appreciation and well-wishes for her:

You guys invited my tears ?

A video posted by Novika Purnama Sari (@novika911) on


Imaginary Friends come to life


If you were to picture one your friends in another form, how would you imagine his/her to be? It can be an animal, another public figure, a famous personality or an inanimate object.

That’s what we were asked to do in this second main activity.

Depending on our impression of our team mates, we were asked to create a mask or a costume using colorful paper of this person or thing we imagine them to be.

Not only was this another unique way to showcase our creativity but it was also a great way to observe and form a deeper bond with some of our colleagues whom we rarely work with.

Likewise, we also got an idea of how others see us—which we may be unaware of sometimes.

Take a look at some our final creations:


From L to R: Mikha is a FLAT ICON, because he is simple, mysterious and others are always curious to find out more about him! Cessarrio is a ROSE, because he is a ‘hits’ fashionista. He’s always updated and is a colorful guy, armed with weird jokes. Yet on the other hand, some of his jokes could be deadly like the rose’s thorny stem! Ardhian is a bluish-red lizard since he is so active yet calm at the same time.
From L to R: Reza is a national television channel because he never stops unless the national anthem is being played. Nugroho is an old pine tree because even as he ages, he continues to protect his environment. Habibi is golden tiger– dependable and gloriously shining.

Date Night with the Vampire


Our third activity is the usual truth or dare activity—with a twist. As many of us bravely chose truth over dare, most of the questions asked were related to our experiences with 24Slides.

Questions like:

  • If the seats in the office were arranged in pairs like in school, who do you want to sit beside you?
  • If you had to choose from the people in the office, who is an ideal son/daughter-in-law for you?
  • What animal were you when you joined the team the first time? And what animal are you now?

To our surprise, this activity ran for almost an hour as a lot of funny stories were revealed and shared.

We capped this amazing day with a late night barbecue party. Some team members gathered around the grill while others sang their hearts out to chase the cold night away.

And like we did for dinner the night before, we all had to prepare our breakfast together the following morning—certainly a good break from our usual food delivery at the office. Now, we’ve had to work hard together to feed each other!


Indeed, with such a wonderful and thrilling day, 24 hours is not even enough for us to get to know each other and even ourselves better.

It’s truly one of those days when it really doesn’t matter which department your team mate belongs to. Or what his/her skills are. You’re just eager to get to know everyone and have such a great time with all of them!