How to Deliver the Perfect Online Presentation
In this digital era, online presentations have become more and more common every day. And there are many things that distinguish them from traditional live presentations! To make the most out of them and to learn how to make effective online presentations, it’s important to learn the best practices that apply to this type of media. Here you’ll learn some tricks on how to deliver the perfect online presentation.
9 tips for making effective online presentations
There are many things on online presentations that work similarly to live ones. However, there are also extra aspects to take into account to make sure you deliver the best possible online presentation.
1. Use presentation slides!
Whether it’s PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, o Prezi, presentation slides can truly take your presentation to the next level. Especially for online presentations!
Online presentations are always a challenge. In an online presentation, it’s impossible to control the distractions around your audience. A good slide design can help you channel your audience’s attention into your presentation with its visual aspect.
Presentation slides are a great way to illustrate your information and make it more digestible for the audience. Even better, a good slide design can also help your presentation be more memorable!
Make sure your presentation slides are there to complement your speaker, not compete with them. Avoid text as much as possible, and instead work with visual elements: icons, pictures, illustrations, and graphs.
To make the most effective online presentation possible, use your visual complements strategically. Ask yourself: What is the purpose of this visual? Avoid “filler” pictures, and instead, use visuals that will make an impact on your audience.
2. Take your time for the technical aspects
One of the main aspects people have problems with is the technical aspect of an online presentation. While a computer or projector can always fail on a live presentation is way less likely.
To deliver the perfect online presentation it is vital for you to make sure as much as you can that you’re not going to have any technical difficulties. There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of a video conference and losing the internet connection, or finding out your microphone doesn’t work.
Take some extra time to review that your internet connection, your camera, microphone, and any extra equipment you might need are working just fine. It’s important to check these points in advance, so you can have a backup plan in case you need it.
For example, an ethernet cable is a great way to reassure that you’ll have a stable internet connection instead of relying on wifi.
You should also try the video conference platform you’re going to use! While all of them have similar features, it’s important that you are fully confident about how to work with them. This way, you’ll be able to focus on delivering your presentation and not on where is the ‘share screen’ button!
3. Set the scene
And since you’re already taken some extra time to try out the place where you’ll be giving your presentation. Make things easier for your audience by removing potential distractions from your background.
If you don’t have a good option for a neutral background, many video conferencing platforms offer digital backgrounds! You should try them beforehand to make sure they work well for you, but they can be a great option.
Lighting is also an important aspect to take into consideration. Avoid as much as possible sitting in front of a window or a strong light source, as this will make your face too dark.
4. Avoid potential distractors
And talking about distractions, it’s also important to avoid distractions of your own! There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of a presentation and get a loud text message for all your audience to hear.
Try to deliver your presentation in a place that’s calm and quiet so there are no outside interruptions from your side of the screen. If you’re now able to find one, a headset with a microphone might be a good investment! This will help you isolate outside noises, and will make your own voice clearer for your audience.
You can also improve your online presentation delivery by making sure your desktop notifications are turned off! This way, you’ll reduce potential distractors when you’re going through your presentation.
5. Body language is key
Just like in a live presentation, body language can help you make a more effective online presentation! Body language helps you convey confidence, make yourself more approachable or likable to the audience, and overall improve your presentation.
Just like the previous points, however, online presentations require special considerations. Avoid setting yourself too far away from the camera (as this will be too impersonal) but also too close (intimidating!).
The best way to place yourself is so your camera gets all the way down to your shoulders. This way, you’ll look friendly while still being able to use your hands’ movements to emphasize key points.
You can also give your conference standing up! Giving your presentation standing up can actually improve your delivery and diction, as this will force you to stand up straight. Put your laptop on a counter or stack up books to make sure your camera is at the optimal height for you.
Another trick is to train yourself to look at the camera! Many people make the mistake of looking at the screen, as there’s where your audience is. However, they won’t get the connection made by eye contact, unless you talk to the camera!
6. Inject energy into your presentation!
Delivering a good online presentation can be especially difficult because of the gap between yourself and your audience.
By default, online presentations are less engaging than live ones, as the speaker feels more distant. That’s why it’s extra important to make sure your presentation is engaging enough to keep your audience hooked.
Humor is a great way to make your presentation more engaging and to make sure your audience is paying you 100% of their attention.
7. Engage with your audience
Making an effective online presentation is all about keeping your audience’s attention. And what better way to do this than to make them a part of it?
Asking questions, and having moments for your audience to participate is a great way to keep your audience invested in your presentation. You can even add a quiz to make your audience stay on their toes!
There are also a wide array of online tools you can use to make your online presentation more engaging. Tools like Slido and Metimetric allow you to get live polls you can easily integrate into your online presentations.
8. Practice makes perfect
Just like in a live presentation, the key to an effective online presentation is practice, practice, and more practice!
Make the most of your digital resources to make sure your presentations end up just like you want them to be. While you’re practicing, record yourself so you can mark what you should improve or change.
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9. Share it with your audience!
One of the best things about an online presentation is that you have all the power of technology from the get-go! You don’t need any extra equipment to record it and share it.
Whether it’s a complete recording, a highlights video, a summary, or PowerPoint slides, you can easily share it with your audience through the video conferencing platforms.
Leave your slide design to us!
Preparing a presentation, whether it’s live or online it’s never an easy task. And most of the time, it’s hard work you must do on your own! So why not save some time to work on your delivery and your research, and leave the slide design to us?
24Slides works with some of the biggest companies all around the world creating amazing presentations. Our designers are specialists at creating outstanding slides that will catch your audience’s eye from the get-go, convey your message perfectly, and showcase your brand!