Spider Charts, also known as Radar Charts, web chart or star chat, represent multiple data points on a two-dimensional graph. They are best used in quality improvement scenarios, where data analysts can showcase multiple metrics on a single diagram, allowing them to compare the results and identify relationships between each of the metrics. This slide deck uses spider charts in multiple scenarios which enable you to interpret the chart’s data and compare it to different sets of metrics. Use the Spider Chart with Comments Slide, the Spider Chart Comparison slide, and the Spider Chart Area Analysis Slide.
Spider Charts contain a lot of information as multiple metrics are presented together. Those who interpret the data can identify multiple correlations from the measurements presented. This slide allows data analysis to add comprehensive comments to their charts in order to clarify and consolidate the information captured by the graph.
Comparing two spider charts can offer you valuable information which might be otherwise missed. As multiple metrics are presented together in a single graphic, data analysts will be able to see correlations between the highs and lows from each graphic, reaching conclusions that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.
By looking at the changes in a spider chart over a set period of time, trends and correlations between the metrics become more apparent. This slide enables you to add snapshots of the metrics at various points in time and allows you to track changes and relationships between metrics.
Visibility increases efficiency
The more you know, the better you can do
Get a good picture of your performance
Take a step back to see the whole picture
Easily identify relationships between metrics
Correlations might not equal causation, but it’s worth looking into it
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