Make the Perfect SWOT Analysis Presentation (Plus Free Templates)
SWOT analyses are one of those tools that can be applied to absolutely everything. You can use them for startups or for well-established companies. They are useful for whatever industry your company is in, and for whatever department in any given enterprise. A SWOT analysis can change the mind of a doubting investor. Or it can be an essential part of a semestral meeting of goals and achievements. Here you’ll find how to make the perfect SWOT Analysis Presentation and take your business to the next level. And, as always, you’ll also find some amazing free PowerPoint Templates so you can start working right away!
What is a SWOT Analysis?
A SWOT analysis is a straightforward, incredibly useful tool. It helps you evaluate your business position in the present. But it also helps you think about the future and plan strategically. SWOT analyses are great to get the ball rolling in the meetings, but also as a base for serious strategic planning.
What a SWOT analysis consists of is relatively easy. It is a way to identify your Strengths and Weaknesses and to consider the Opportunities and Threats that may appear on the horizon. A SWOT analysis is usually represented in 4 quadrants, each with bullet points. This way, anyone who looks at it will be able to see the complete picture. It also allows your audience to see how the 4 categories are interconnected to each other. Your Strengths should create Opportunities, and you need to be aware of your Weaknesses so you can soften the Threats.
Speaking of interconnection, SWOT Analyses are vital for keeping grounded any project or business you’re planning. It’s easy to forget that no enterprise (or at least anyone that implies others) is ever an island. Whether it’s customers, or collaborators, or employees or distributors, your work is usually bigger than yourself. Sometimes we get so excited about an idea that we can forget that even if we think it’s great, maybe the conditions for it aren’t right, or you don’t have enough resources to make it work. Doing a SWOT analysis is important because it helps you have an objective view of where you’re standing, and how your surroundings are.
This is why SWOT analyses are applicable to practically anything. Any project, business or enterprise you have in mind could benefit from being evaluated objectively in their context. You can even apply a SWOT analysis to different levels. A general, company-level SWOT analysis is always useful. But you can also make a SWOT analysis for one specific product or campaign. Companies always grow and evolve, and context is constantly changing, so it is important to make this type of evaluation every once in a while. For example, you can do a company-level SWOT for every semester, or every year, in order to establish with your team the achievements you have made and the goals for the near future.
Parts of a SWOT analysis
The best way to do a SWOT analysis is to sit with your team and start working point by point. It is important to keep an open mind and to avoid preconceived notions of the product or the company that might influence the analysis. In short, it should be as objective as possible.
Starting with a brainstorming session is always a good idea, especially when done on a board or something similar. This way, everyone will be able to see the complete picture. Using a board is great because it’ll allow you to add your team’s input immediately and the collaborative process will be more dynamic. After you’ve collected everyone’s ideas, then you can begin to edit and prioritize.
Probably some ideas will we repeated, or some can be grouped together since they’re similar. The editing process is important because it’ll help you tune and polish your SWOT analysis. It’s pretty common to realize that some things that you have added as opportunities are really strengths, or vice-versa. Maybe when you’re reading your weaknesses you’ll realize that there is an extra strength you didn’t realize at first. Or the threats will help you think of other opportunities. In any case, editing is a vital part of doing a SWOT analysis.
Many times SWOT analyses are presented as a double-entry chart. This is because it is easy (and helpful!) to align these 4 categories into 2 axes. First, each of these is either positive or negative for your company. And second, they are either internal or external. Thinking your SWOT analysis in this way can make it clearer when you’re trying to start. For example, Strengths and Threats are both internal characteristics, but one is positive and the other is negative.
In this section of your SWOT analysis, you should add the things your business does successfully. These are the things your business stands out in. Strengths can be physical assets, like the equipment, or your location, or a certain characteristic of the materials you use. But they can also be intangible. For example, your network, team assets, or your reputation. Anything that sums something to your company and makes you distinguishable from your competition is a strength.
Keep in consideration that if all (or almost) all of your competition is already doing it, it’s hardly a strength. For example, if all of them offer a low cost product, you also need to offer one too (otherwise it will become a weakness). In this case, the product’s cost is not a strength, it’s a necessity. This is why it’s so important to have a good understanding of your competitors. Strengths are those things that will really tilt the balance towards you.
This section refers to everything where you don’t quite reach your competition’s level. If your company underperforms in some aspect, or your production is lacking something, it is important to know it. It’s easy to ignore weak spots from the inside, so try to put yourself in the shoes of a customer. If you were going to buy your product, what would make you think twice about choosing yours over anyone else’s?
As with the Strengths, these can be tangible or intangible. It can be things like that the production cost is too high. Or it can also aspects that are not physical, like a bad reputation the brand needs to overcome. While it may be tempting to overlook the weaknesses in your product or company, it’s also extremely useful. Even if no one wants to hear they’re failing at something, it’s important to acknowledge it so you can work on it and move forward.
While Strengths are internal, Opportunities are positive, external factors that might influence you and your product. The easiest way to distinguish between these two is to consider if this factor depends on you or if you can change it in any way. Strengths, since they’re internal, depend on you. For example, your reputation, your product’s quality, your customer service. Opportunities, on the other hand, are factors that you can’t directly influence.
Both Opportunities and Threats, as external factors, are realities you just have to work with. There is no changing them or going around them. It’s just the economic and social context your business and your product exist in. It’s up to you to find aspects of your context that can be beneficial for your project. You’ll not be able to change your context, but you can certainly learn to read opportunities from it.
As well as with Opportunities, Threats are not factors that you’ll be able to change. But exactly because these are factors that don’t depend on you, you should be able to identify them. This way, threats will never catch you unprepared, and you’ll be able to work actively in diminishing them. This section is tricky to work with because it demands some medium and long term vision of both your business and your overall context. Even if you think everything is going well, it’s important to take external factors into consideration that can impact negatively on your project.
Changes in the economy, or the trends, or technological development can affect radically the way you do business. It’s great to complement this section with other analysis tests, like PEST, for example.
What to take into consideration in a SWOT Analysis Presentation
- A SWOT analysis presentation is also a great opportunity for you to polish it. You can use the presentation to get feedback on your analysis. Maybe someone in the audience has a new point of view that you haven’t considered before when doing your analysis.
- Take into consideration your public. Your SWOT analysis presentation can be a part of a pitch deck, for example. In this case, potential investors might not be very comfortable if you just throw in weaknesses and threats. You should definitely include them in your SWOT analysis presentation, as they will show you’re objective and grounded. But you can also add how you’re working on them, or how would you overcome them over time.
- Use concrete examples and data that support your claims. Your SWOT analysis will be much stronger. For example, if you say that your good reputation it’s one of your strengths, you can add positive reviews or a customer satisfaction evaluation. If you argue that some trend is going on the rise you can add a graph that shows this. Do your research and apply it to your SWOT!
SWOT Analysis Templates for the perfect presentation
Sharing your SWOT analysis in your presentation can be great. Even if it just began as brainstorming, a good SWOT will always be useful to present the bigger picture to your associates and investors. You can elaborate on it to explain the value proposition of your product or your brand.
However, making a PowerPoint out of it can be tricky. Since each section includes numerous bullet points, it can be difficult to fit in just one slide. It’s easy for it to look messy, or just plain boring. That’s why here you’ll find the best of the best free PowerPoint templates for your SWOT analysis presentation
Ultimate SWOT Analysis Template Pack
This creative PowerPoint template includes 6 slides to make your SWOT analysis presentation a success. It offers you 4 different options on how to present in one slide the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. And, it also includes a slide in case you wish to separate each of these points into their own slide. Its creative style will help you convey all the important points of your business to your audience. And its creative blue design will make sure that no one loses focus during your presentation.
SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Templates
This template pack offers 3 different options to present your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It includes 8 different eye-catching icons to represent the 4 categories. Its modern design will help you capture your audience’s attention without it feeling cramped. This free PowerPoint template, as the last one, includes a model of an “S” Slide, in case you wish to present each cornerstone one by one.
SWOT Analysis Presentation Templates
This 9-slide pack is ideal for a complete, detailed SWOT analysis presentation. It includes the classic 4 quadrant matrix but it also includes several other types of slides to complement the presentation. This pack has a map slide, 2 percentage slides, and a honeycomb slide, among others. These will help you backup your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats with some rigorous, objective data. The great thing about this PowerPoint template is that is also has a beautiful color palette that will make your presentation much more eye-pleasing for your audience.
SWOT PowerPoint Template
This free PowerPoint template offers you a really complete and detailed option to present your SWOT analysis. You’ll find here 3 original designs to organize your presentation. You can use the “X” diagram to make the slide look more dynamic. There is also the chart option, for those who want to fit more information under each section. And you also have the double-entry chart to make a different SWOT that emphasizes in the external/internal factors. Whichever you choose, it will help your SWOT analysis presentation look completely different from all the rest.
It also has original diagrams for presenting each point in their own slides. You can forget about tedious bullet points with this template: it is filled with dynamic, visual ways to present all your data. It also includes a percentages slide to present quantitative data. And it has a sleek design that will help your presentation look more professional without being boring.
Playful SWOT PowerPoint Template
This colorful SWOT analysis template will assure you that your presentation doesn’t go under the radar. This pack offers 10 beautiful slides for everything you need in a SWOT analysis presentation. It has 2 different designs to present the 4 pillars. But it also includes other slides so you can present in detail each of these points. It includes a map with percentages slides to back up your arguments with some objective data. You can also find here a great compare and contrast slide.
All over the template, you’ll find original and eye-catching icons to make each of your points shine. This template is one of my personal favorites, and its playful and colorful design will really make your presentation stand out.
Financial SWOT PowerPoint Templates
The slides in this free PowerPoint template will complement perfectly any presentation you want to do about your business. This pack consists of 3 different SWOT analysis slides that will take your presentation to the next level. One of them is the classic 4-quadrant matrix for the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The other 2 will allow you to expand on each of these topics individually in a visually striking way.
Other Templates Packs that include SWOT Analysis Slides
Ultimate Product Hunt Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template
This Pitch Deck template pack has everything you need to sell to your audience your project. SWOT analyses are a great way to show that you’re aware of your shortcomings and are carefully working actively on them. This way you’ll show your potential investor that you’re grounded and trustworthy. Check out more about Pitch Deck presentations in this article.
Dark themed 30 Slide Template Pack
The dark background in this PowerPoint template will make your presentation look professional and elegant. It includes 30 beautifully design slides for any information you want to show about your business. It has percentages slides, maps, processes, and, of course, a SWOT analysis slide.
Corporate Package of 20 Slides
This creative and colorful pack will work wonders for any business. It offers a wide range of slide designs. It has (aside from the SWOT analysis) pie charts, an iconic list, a map slide, and bar diagrams. Everything you could ever need in a corporate presentation!
Project Analysis PowerPoint Template
This one is a 10-slide pack perfect for a detailed but short project analysis. It includes a growth diagram, a couple of chart slides, and obviously, a SWOT analysis. In this case, this last one is presented as a double-entry chart. This template has a great color palette that will make your presentation look unique and fresh.
Business Presentation Template
This 20-slide business presentation includes some great slides, from circle diagrams to social media analysis. It also has a wide range of graphs and charts, like an organizational and a Gantt chart. Among all these, you’ll find a great knot SWOT slide to show your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This template has a lot of not-conventional diagrams that are really worth taking a look at!
Creative 30 Slide Mega Pack PowerPoint Template
In the 30 slides of this deck, you’ll find absolutely anything you could ever need for your business presentation. It’s filled with beautiful and eye-catching diagrams and charts for all your information. In the last part of this pack, you’ll find the SWOT analysis slide.
Playful Mega Pack Slide PowerPoint Template
This deck will help you catch your audience’s attention with its playful design and amazing graphs. There are great processes and growth diagrams, circle graphs, pros & cons…. You name it! And, among them, the obligatory SWOT analysis slide to complete a perfect presentation.
Creative Competitor Analysis Template
As part of determining your own value proposition, you have to know what your competitors are offering. This PowerPoint deck has everything you need to showcase what is your competition doing. Work on your competitors SWOT analysis: every one of their weaknesses can become a strength for you!
Playful Facebook Report Template
Even if this deck says “Facebook”, it is great for any social media report you need to present. Social media is such a big part of our lives now, that is vital that you take it into consideration. This template includes bar and line charts and a team slide so you can share with your team your social media campaigns. And, of course, your SWOT analysis.
A SWOT analysis can make a difference in your presentation to a potential investor or associate. It can help get your team on the same page. It can help evaluate your business performance and plan ahead. A customized slide design can help your SWOT analysis really stand out. It’s easy for SWOT analysis to look cramped, or too generic. If these templates are not enough, you can always contact our team of designers here at 24Slides. They’ll make sure your SWOT analysis presentation looks like no one else’s!
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